
Homily for the Funeral of Jacqueline Carron, Mother of Fr. Joseph Carron Pluscarden Abbey: Thursday 21 December 2023 Fr. Joseph Carron

Mum was quite specific about what she wanted me to emphasise to you - it was what she wanted me to say to everyone gathered for her Mass in the parish Church of Our Lady of the Assumption in Birmingham last Thursday. It was one thing. To pray for her. To pray for the repose of her soul.

No eulogy – simply an exhortation to pray.

Homily for 10 December 2023, Advent 2B: Isaiah 40:1ff, 2 Peter 3:8-14; Mark 1:1-8

“The day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then with a roar the sky will vanish, the elements will catch fire and fall apart, the earth and all it contains will be burnt up.”

A striking feature of prophecy in Holy Scripture is its tendency to pass back and forth between weal and woe; between consolation and rebuke; between joyful promise and terrifying threat. This feature also marks the Advent season, which more than any other is a season of prophecy. Advent prophesies, or prepares us for, the coming of Christ.

Homily for the 8 o’clock Mass, Sunday 3 December 2023, Advent IB: Mark 13:33-37

Three times in today’s Gospel Jesus calls on us to stay awake. Here we are, once again, at the beginning of Advent: so once again we have a new start, and with it a new wake-up call. Advent issues us a new summons, or a new invitation : to sharpen our focus, to break out of our spiritual sloth; to direct all our attention ever anew towards Jesus.

Homily for the 8 o’clock Mass, Sunday 28A, 15 October 2023, on Matthew 22:1-14

Through the parable of the Royal Wedding Banquet we hear the thrilling invitation of Jesus: Come to my feast! Put on your glorious attire! Enter into my joy! This is God’s invitation to us to enter eternal life; to clothe ourselves in the incomparable dignity of divine Sonship; to join the communion of all the Angels and Saints in heaven, eternally rejoicing. And yet: this parable does not make us feel at all comfortable, and it’s not meant to; any more than it was meant to make the Scribes and Pharisees feel comfortable. For the weight of this story falls not so much on the invitation, as on the refusal of those invited. It ends uncompromisingly, on a note of harsh condemnation: Bind him hand and foot and throw him into the outer darkness.

Homily for Sunday 27A, 8 October 2023: Esther 4:17 (13:9); Philippians 4:6

In voluntate tua Domine universa sunt posita - all things are subject to your will, O Lord, and nothing can withstand your power: for you have made all that is, the heavens and the earth and all that they contain: you are Lord of the whole Universe.

Homily for St. Cecilia’s Abbey Ryde, Sunday 24A, 17 September 2023: Mt 18:21-35

“Lord, how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me? As often as seven times?”

Readiness to forgive is taught by many of the great philosophies and religions of the world. Why? Because you can’t be happy, or have any sort of inner peace, far less inner joy, if you refuse to forgive. Dwelling on past hurts, nurturing resentment, indulging simmering anger: these things can blight or embitter a person’s whole life.

Homily for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross: Quarr Abbey Chant Forum Meeting; 14 September 2023: Numbers 21:4-9; (Phil 2:6-11), John 3:13-17

As Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.

St. Paul speaks of God highly exalting Jesus in his Resurrection – Deus exaltavit illum – we just sang (Phil 2:9). For St. John, Jesus is already exalted on the Cross.