Homily for St. Cecilia’s Abbey Ryde, Sunday 24A, 17 September 2023: Mt 18:21-35

“Lord, how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me? As often as seven times?”

Readiness to forgive is taught by many of the great philosophies and religions of the world. Why? Because you can’t be happy, or have any sort of inner peace, far less inner joy, if you refuse to forgive. Dwelling on past hurts, nurturing resentment, indulging simmering anger: these things can blight or embitter a person’s whole life.

Homily for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross: Quarr Abbey Chant Forum Meeting; 14 September 2023: Numbers 21:4-9; (Phil 2:6-11), John 3:13-17

As Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.

St. Paul speaks of God highly exalting Jesus in his Resurrection – Deus exaltavit illum – we just sang (Phil 2:9). For St. John, Jesus is already exalted on the Cross.

8 September 2023

This year, the 8th of September, Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, marked the 75th anniversary of the official Restoration of Monastic Life at Pluscarden.

This was also the day chosen for the official blessing of our Building Site, in preparation for the construction of a new Guest house for ladies to the South of the monastery, to be called St. Joseph’s. 

Homily for the 8 o’clock Mass, 27 August 2023, Sunday 21A: Romans 11:33-36

I want to speak about our second reading today: 4 verses from the end of Romans Chapter 11. This is St. Paul’s outburst of wonder and awe and amazement; Paul’s bowing down in silent worship before the unspeakable greatness of God; Paul’s proclamation of his own invincible faith and confidence - even as he recognises the severe limits to what he can know and understand of the inexhaustible mystery of God.

Summer Charity Concert

On Thursday 17 August John Mustard's Cello Studio and friends put on a fund raising concert in our Abbey Church.The beneficiaries of the evening were two. First our own new Guest House building Project. Then quite a new local charity called SurfABLE. This organisation helps people with impaired abilities to enjoy the surf around the Moray Firth coast line.